Monday, September 12, 2016

How to prepare for baby chickens before they finally arrived at home

how to prepare before they arrived
It is good to bring home your new baby chickens, but before you do that, there is need to know what to do and how to do them.

You cannot just bring them home without preparations, not just preparation but proper preparation. Consider they are very young and tender at this stage of their lives, so they need proper attention.

Put your mind at rest, things will be fine if you carefully read and follow what is in this write up. Here is the beginning of their lives after incubation, what you will achieved at the end depend greatly on how you prepare from this stage.

This is where some of the farmers make a lot of mistakes, so to avoid shortage in raising your baby chickens from this stage, observe the following.

1.  Remember, baby baby chickens are animals not toys
As this topic indicated that they are animals not toys, they need proper care. They need feed and water at appointed time, they are not to be stressed.

Gift chicks for Easter morning squeals are a really fun idea, but only when one has actually planned on raising baby chickens, has prepared a brooder, and has purchased feed, drinker and a heat source.

For baby chicks that have to forgo proper food, water, shelter and heat to take up residence in ornament baskets of chocolate bunnies and jellybeans, Easter is no fun at all not even if they will be taking a trip to a friend’s farm later.

If you are considering buying chicks for Easter morning, understand that chicks can be contaminated with Salmonella without exhibiting symptoms of illness.

2. Do your research about baby chickens
The first thing to do is research work, this is very important as this will guide you on what to do and how to do them. 

I will even recommend that you even know the history of hatchery to get your chickens from. Ask people that are engaged in the same business you are about to do.

By so doing, you will know that the chickens are from reliable sources. Though some hatcheries are not well and properly equipped, so what they will produce will have problem.

Proper research are the answer to this question, please do some research. You and your chickens will benefit from extensive research before they arrive at your home, and they will thrive under your continued research.

Because chickens grow very fast, so does the demand for your chicken age-appropriate knowledge. Become knowledgeable long before you have to learn by doing, and you are sure to do fewer wrongs in the long run.

3. Provide warmth for baby chickens
This must not be underrated because of the important of heat. Yes, from day old they are feathers are not well formed, therefore they cannot provide for themselves the amount of heat required.

So it is important to make available a reliable source of heat for the period of eighteen days or more.

4.  Provide fresh water daily for your baby chickens
day old drinking from drinkers
Baby chickens need water on daily basis, not ordinary water but fresh water. Make available for these little chicken fresh water every day.

The water source should remain fresh for the chicks’ health and shallow to prevent drowning. Baby chicks have no manners and walk through everything, including their groping and their water.

Expect to clean the drinker several times per day. And to help prevent accidental drowning, which takes very little water, put marbles in the dish to prevent a chick from dipping its beak into the water further than it should go.

5. Provide quality feed for baby chickens
Do not just give them any how feed, preferably you give them high quality feed that will make them grow. The type of feed you give them has a lot to do with their lives, so prepare for this.

Baby chickens rapid growth surprises everyone raising chickens for first time. They seem to double in size every day.

The right feed for growing babies is very high in protein to support that rapid growth and the immediate feathering, which continues for several months.

6. Provide feeders for baby chickens
Feeders are of different types and come in different shapes. So you cannot use grower feeder for small baby chickens.

So you make use of the right feeders for the right birds, their feeder should be like tray, though they are available in the market. Just get them and make use of them, no problem.

7. Provide a reasonable shelter for baby chickens
suitable feeder for day old chicks
Shelter in the form of a brooder is important for protection from predators. A brooder can be any enclosure that provides safety and security, such as an old aquarium, a converted plastic storage or a cardboard brooder system designed specifically to hold rapidly growing baby chicks.

Note: Cardboard brooders are fire hazards when paired with a heat lamp. Later, when chicks outgrow the brooder, they will need to move outside to a coop.

The big move happens sooner than you would expect, so get a coop built or delivered sooner than you think you will need it to be on the safe side.

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