Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Activities (Routines) that make fowls (poultry birds) productive in poultry farm

These are the activities which are carries out on daily, weekly and even on monthly basis. This is where some farmers or farm managers do miss thing together, just because they don’t know what to do?

Either on daily, weekly and even on monthly basis. But dear readers, don’t panic you are at the right place at this time.

In this article I will explain in details the activities I do carry out on y farm that make my bird thrives well, that is, what gives me maximum production from the farm.  These activities are called ROUTINE.
daily routine

By definition: Routine simply means ways of doing things in a regular manner or commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical on everyday activity.

Therefore these routine or activities will be grouped into three, they will be arranged according to way they are been carries out.

Daily activities or routine which enhance fowl productive
What do you think this will be? Well this are the activities you carry out in the farm on daily basis, no matter little or how small they are they must be carry out.

Failure in doing this may result to negative effect in the lives of animals in the farm. These routine include Water, feeding and eggs collection,

Water improves fowl productive
daily routine
we all know that water must be given to poultry birds every day. Mind you, not ordinary water but fresh water from reliable source. Clean water containers with a small hand brush before refilling them with fresh water is very good. 

Quality feeding enhances fowl productive
Feeding is another routine that are very important and must be carry out every day, do not over feed and as well under feed them.

If you do, you will run into shortage and this is not good for business farming system. Pelleted feeds can stay fresh for a week inside a hopper so that they are dispensed and  lib as the hens require food, however it will soon go moldy and cause disease if it is not kept dry.

Place food containers under cover or purchase a rain hat to keep the rain off.

Eggs collection improves fowl productive
daily routine
Collection of eggs is another activity we do carry out every day in the poultry, in some farm, eggs are main purpose of setting up such farm.

So it is very important to collect eggs every time since production of fowl is our target, some time up to three times a day. Collect eggs and keep an eye out for broody hens over the spring and summer months.

Observation affect fowl productive in the farm
This is the most important routine under this category, which I observed diligently. Spent quality time with the birds ever day so as to identify any condition from and among them.

In my own situation I spent between 30 minutes and one hour every day to observe them very well.

Mainly when you feed them, they must all rush toward food and do eat, so any one that do not run towards feed is sick, so isolate and give genuine treatment.

Weekly activities or Routine which leads to fowl productive
These are the activities carry out in the farm on weekly basis, as highlighted above that daily activities are essentials, as well weekly routine cannot be underrated.

Here are some of the weekly activities I do carry out in my farm:

Washing drinkers and feeders help fowl production a lot
weekly activity
 Remember, one of the rules in keeping poultry system is hygiene, hygiene play important role in poultry farm.

So, washing drinkers and feeders are important to keep poultry birds in good condition and healthy. Dirty drinkers and feeder housed agent of disease, they help in spreading diseases in the poultry so to avoid this they must be kept clean at all time.

Cleaning droppings improves fowl production
This is another thing to do every week, to some farmers this is a dirty work. Generally, this is done manually and must be remove every week irrespective of caging system you are using.

Accumulated dropping produces ammonia gas which may result to the springing up of any related diseases in the farm, therefore to avoid this they should be removing weekly.

Chicken houses affect production of fowl 
The house should be cleaned out at least weekly to prevent a buildup of organic matter, which puts your birds at more risk from respiratory problems and disease.

They are very common and the sooner you find them, the easier it is to get rid of them.

Monthly activities or Routine which affect fowl productive
This are the activities which are carry out once in a month, though they are to carry out one time in a full month, yet they are very important.

Medication affect fowl production
monthly routine
chicken chicks
I don’t fail to do this since I started poultry business, I make a routines and is working for me and my birds. What do I mean? Every month I do administer some drugs to my birds depending on the type of birds at hand at a particular time.

Be it cockerels, broilers and layers, I don’t joke with it and I will never joke with it. From first to third day of every month I do administer antibiotic, at time up to day five of the month depending on the direction of the drugs. Then between 12th and 14th day of every month I do administer multivitamins to complement their feed.

In the case of the layers in the farm, certain vaccine is administer once every month, this vaccine is called LASOTA, this is mainly to improve their immune system and to keep them in good condition and healthy.

Aside these, to every birds in my farm, I de-worm them once in every month. I lay my hands on any de-wormer from the veterinarians shop.

These are the collection of routines I do carry out in my poultry farm, either daily, weekly and even monthly basis, if you do the same you will enjoy and keep doing the same thing, thanks for reading.

Do you have any routine jobs I have missed from this list? Please leave me a comment below.

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