Sunday, April 2, 2017

How to cultivate maize is a simple way

cultivate maize

A lot of articles has been published about maize, how to plant maize, even to the end product of this wonderful crop. You are not done yet until you get what you need, how will you get the details on how to cultivate maize in this very article you are reading.


It is believe that maize was first domesticated in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico. The Olmec and Mayans cultivated maize in numerous varieties throughout Mesoamerica, cooked, ground or processed through nixtamalization. Beginning about 2500 BC, the crop spread through much of the Americas. The region developed a trade network based on surplus and varieties of maize crop, maize are cultivate in every corner globally.

Botanically, it is called Zea mays, it is commonly known as maize, corn. Maize has different names depending on the location or geographical location. There six different types of maize, they are: dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn and sweet corn. This article will focus more on sweet corn.

Site preparation operation on cultivate maize

Clearing of the site: 

The first thing to do in the process of planting maize is the clearing of the site. This can be done using any means, local farmer make use of local tools cutlasses in clearing the site. As a matter of fact, there is a limit to what you can achieve with the use of local tools, though they only produced for their family.  Aside this, machine can also be use in clearing the site, this method is fast and expensive, therefore most of the farmer have no access to the machines. Farmers that make use of machine produce in large quantities compare to one that make use of local tools.

Parking of debris: 

Another operation is removing debris from cleared sites, this is very important as you cannot plant directly to the site without removing the debris. Planting directly will definitely affect the growth and as well the weeding process. Therefore it important to remove the debris before planting, if you find it so difficult to removed the debris, then burn it. You may gather the debris of put fire as they cleared the site.

Plough or mixing of the soil: 

Now that you have cleared the site, you are yet to complete the process before planting can be done. The next line of action is mixing the soil, how will you do that, the method is simple, mainly this is accompany with the help of machine called plough. This machine is used to mix the soil to suite the production of planted maize. Mind you, local farmer might not have access to the machines, yet they can go on planting their maize.

Method of planting maize (cultivate maize)

Planting operation: 

cultivate maize

Planting can be done in two ways, either through machine or manual. Number of maize grain in a hole varies between three to five, these are the best numbers. Some people believe in two grains per hole, to me this will have negative effects in the end production.

Manual method: 

This method is adopted by the local farmers, it is also apply where the farm to plant are not too big, it is time consuming method, it is a tedious method and to me is the most effective method to adopt in planting maize. Planter make sure they put at least three to four grains in each holes and the depth of the holes is between 8 cm to 10 cm.

Mechanical method: 

This method is adopted when you are to plant hectares of land, the method is expensive and less time consuming method. Base on the specification of the machines, this cannot be used by the local farmers. With single planter you can cover a very large of land in few days, you have you crops in rows and in straight lines.

Planting space: 

cultivate maize

You cannot just put the grains in holes, there is certain space you must follow in planting that will give out a best result. Mind you, the number of grains at time is not matter, the space between the rows and along the line determines the levels and sizes of maize cub you will achieve at the end. From my own experience in maize production, I will employ you to follow 3ft x3ft along the lines and as well on the rows. Though you might see some spaces but I can bet it with you, this produce  more to the space of 2ft x 2ft along the line and as well the roles.

Fertilizer applications on cultivate maize

There are two types of fertilizers that are available in the market, either of them is good. Applications now depend on you and which is available in the market at the time of need. They are organic and inorganic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizer: 

These are the waste product from animals like poultry manure, cow dung and other animals. This is very good when apply at the right time, it must be apply two times before the maize are ready for harvest.

Inorganic fertilizer: 

Other than organic fertilizer, inorganic one like 470kg of super phosphate, 200 kg of urea and 180 kg of potash per hectare should be apply. 20 days after sowing should 50-60 kg of urea and at 40 days after sowing 120 kg of urea and at 50 kg of potash as top dressing.

Weeding operation: on cultivate maize

Now that your maize are doing well in the field, they are facing many challenges like completion with grass, attack by animals and many more. In other for the maize to do well, the farm must be free off weeds. In simple term, weeding is the process of removing unwanted plants from the field, not only they are unwanted, but they compete with the main crop in the farm. 

Therefore it is important and mandatory to remove them from the farm, so that competition will show up between the plant and the weeds. Chemically, weeding is done two times before the maize are ready for harvesting while that of manual weeding is up to three time before they are fully matured. Weeding can be done in two ways, manually and chemically:

Manual weeding: 

This is the process of removing unwanted plant from the farm with the help of using simple tools like cutlasses and hoes. This method is effective, but it is very tedious and consumed more time. This method is mostly applicable where the farm to cleared are not too big, as well requires more hands.

Chemical method (herbicide): 

Thanks to our scientist, in the process of making live easy and bearable for us, they developed chemicals that can be used to remove weed from farms. Certain set of crops are provided with certain chemicals that will not have negative impact on them when they are apply on the farm for the process of removing weeds, they will only have impacts on the weeds alone. Chemical method requires the chemical, water and sprayer. In using the chemical, strictly follow the instruction from the manufacture of the chemicals. 

Application of insecticide: 

another important operation is the application of insecticide, this operation is done one or two time depending on the condition of the farm. If the farm is attacked by insect, you need insecticide to get rid of them, there it may require you of applying the chemical two times. Meanwhile, if the farm is not attacked by the insects, only one application is enough for protection to guide against them.


cultivate maize

This is the final operation in the farm before maize is ready for processing and consumption.  How will you know that your maize is matured and ready for harvesting? The silk will change from green to grown, husk leaves will also changed from green to brown. If you notice the signs in your farm, your maize are ready for harvesting and consumption. Harvesting can be done manually and mechanically, either of the method is applicable and are recommended.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Complete guides on how to butcher chickens and making money in an open places

Butchering chickens is a big problem to some people, what they know how to is eating chickens, that is all. 

But this article will give you a step by step guide requires in butchering chicken, not only that, how to make money from the process.  

The reason I do butcher chickens is not for fun or entertainment. I take this very seriously and I do it despite the fact that I care for my animals and dislike killing them.  

I choose to process my own chickens so my family has access to clean meat that was raised and slaughtered as humanely as possible. 

Now you can see it, in other hand you might not be raising chicken and choose to be slaughtering chicken for the process of making money. 

What I am saying is that you are rendering service to other people in an open place in which they must pay for you service. Either for personal purpose or rendering service for other, the steps are the same

Materials requires on how to butcher chickens
The following materials are needed for this operation, there is no way you can be slaughtering chickens without the use of any of them. 

These are heating sources like stove, gas cooker or charcoal among others. Knives are also needed, water as well is requires, cooking materials and some plastic materials. 

With these materials you can start your butchering process.
Here are the steps to follow on how to butcher chickens

Make hot water available
The first thing in this is the availability of hot water, without this, the operation will not be underway. So here you need heating materials as mentioned earlier. 

Boil the water and allow it to be on the heating element as you will be making use of it as long as you are butcher chickens.

 Get the chickens to be slaughter
Restraining cones (also known as killing cones) work great for holding the bird in place while killing and they keep them in place if any nerves kick in after the kill and the bird begins to jump. 

This way you don’t have a “chicken running around with its head cut off.

Complete guide on poultry production

Another way of butchering chickens is cutting the head by placing it on wooden block and cut it off once, this is the most common method in local places. 

Now that you are through with the killing process, you are on the right tracks.

Removing feathers on how to butcher chickens
This is where the hot water is needed, how?  Mind you the water must not be too hot or too cool, too cool water will not allow the feathers to be removed on time while too hot water will cause the skin to peal along the feathers. 

Here is where you spent more time on this process, what you need to do is just dip the killed chicken in the hot water for about two minute, take it out of the water and begin to remove the feather. 

Before you know it you are through with the process, these processes are caries out manually in many cases.

I don’t worry too much about getting all of the feathers off at this point. There will be time for cleaning them off later. 

It is important to work quickly so that the carcass is disemboweled and cooled quickly. After plucking, give the carcass another rinse and then hang it back up for evisceration.

Cut off the feet
At the joint of the leg, cut off the chicken feet. You can save these to make a gelatinous broth or toss them, up to you.

Cut your chicken in a butcher chickens process
Next line of action is how to cut your chickens to smaller units. As we all know that one cannot cook chickens like that, therefore there is need to cut them to smaller units.

Here you are to make use of sharp knife and a small wooden block. You can start from any part, but as for me, I like to start from the anus. 

Take your butcher knife and cut around the anus. Pull out the anus and make a larger cut to pull the intestines and organs.  

Cutting from the anus prevent puncturing the intestine there by not allowing the poop into the chickens body.

Once the initial cut is made you will see where the innards are and you can avoid cutting into them. Locate the rectum leading up to the vent. 

Use one hand to pinch of the vent from the inside and use the other hand to cut around the vent.  The back of the vent will be attached to the inside of the body cavity with fatty tissue.

Be careful cutting around this area.You will also need to pull the crop away from the skin under the neck of the chicken. The lungs are a bit harder to locate. 

You will find them nestled into the rib cage in the chest cavity. Use your fingers to sweep them from the rib cage.

Next you will pull out the heart. Rinse it off and place it in the container with the other giblets.
Wash the liver and put it with the gizzard. 

Package your chicken
Rinse chicken off again under cold water. I chose to freeze my chickens whole to roast later. I used plastic produce bags that our wonderful local grocery store let me have for free. Others have used plastic freezer bags.

If the meat is not allowed to relax, it will be tough. If you plan to freeze the chicken, you can leave it in the refrigerator overnight or you can freeze it right away. 

Just be sure to pull the frozen bird out and let it thaw completely before cooking it. I have had good luck with this method.

I butchered 20 chickens and it only took about two hours, now this is where I make money from. On every chicken I butchered I collect 200 Naira, so see what I made in two hours. 

I just made about N 4000, so if you are in a good location and butchering about 50 chickens in a day.
Good luck

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Complete guide on poultry production

Many people have the mind to invest on poultry business, but they lack the knowledge of know how. 

Some have little idea but they are afraid of run into shortage at the end, you are lucky for reading this article, just because what you need to start poultry production are at your hand right now. 

What you need to do is just keep reading and you will have the potential here. Starting a chicken farming is a good job, cheap means to boost eggs and chicks production. 

This guide will help you with starting a chicken farm, either for meat, eggs or chick production. It is widely recognized globally that poultry and its product contribute to improved human nutrition and food security by being a leading source of high quality of protein in form of eggs and meat production. 

It acts as a key supplement to revenue from crops and other livestock enterprises, thus avoiding over dependency on traditional commodities with inconsistent prices. 

It has a high potential to generate foreign exchange earnings through export of poultry products to neighboring countries.

Materials requires in poultry production
Setting up a poultry farm requires some materials in which without these materials poultry production will definitely be impossible. 

There are common materials, as well they are not too expensive and so I believe everyone can avoid to have them. These are, Land, building, feeders, drinkers and the poultry birds.

Land: The first thing to put into consideration in a land, without this poultry production will not possible. Land will accommodate all other materials that are needed in the farm. 

Therefore, the first thing to have in mind is land, depending on the project, land sizes are varying from one to another.

Building: This is inform of house on the land where the poultry birds are kept. Either you are planning deep litter system or caging system (battery cage system). 

You cannot do without a building in poultry production, though they are of different buildings. What you need to do is to go far anyone that suit your purpose.

Feeders and drinkers: These are other materials that are used in poultry production, as the name implies they are used in feeding and to make water available for them at all time. 

Like other materials they are not to underrate because they play a vital role in the production system.

Poultry birds: This is the foundation of any poultry farm, no birds no poultry. Here is where many farmers having problem, just relax, you can get your birds from ministry of agriculture in your area. Apart from this, you can as well get poultry birds from breeders.

Poultry production and its management system
The system of management include the following, Free range system and Intensive system.

 Intensive system
These systems are used by medium to large scale commercial enterprises, and are also used at the household level. Birds are fully confined either in houses or cages. 

Capital outlay is higher and the birds are totally dependent on their owners for all their requirements; production however is higher. There are three types of intensive systems:

Deep litter system: birds are fully confined with floor space allowance of 3 to 4 birds/m2 within a house, but can move around freely. 

The floor is covered with a deep litter (a 5 to 10 cm deep layer) of grain husks (maize or rice), straw, wood shavings or a similarly absorbent (but non-toxic) material. 

The fully enclosed system protects the birds from thieves and predators and is suitable for specially selected commercial breeds of egg or meat producing poultry (layers, breeder flocks and broilers).

Slatted floor system: wire or wooden slatted floors are used instead of deep litter, which allow stocking rates to be increased to five birds/m2 of floor space. Birds have reduced contact with droppings and are allowed some freedom of movement.

Battery cage system: this is usually used for laying birds, which are kept throughout their productive life in cages. 

There is a high initial capital investment, and the system is mostly confined to large-scale commercial egg layer operations.

Free range system
80 percent of farmers keep poultry in the first two extensive systems. Under free range conditions, the birds are not confined and can scavenge for food over a wide area. 

Rudimentary shelters may be provided, and these may or may not be used. The birds may roost outside, usually in trees, and nest in the bush. The flock contains birds of different species and varying ages.

Draw out your effective business plan on poultry production.
Poultry business plan is like a road map leading you to where you are going in your business. It will help you know where you are at any point in time. 

Therefore your business plan should include:

1. Type of Bird you want to concentrate on, in poultry production
Here you choose Chickens (Layers and Broilers). I choose chicken because that is what this article is all about. 

There are other types of birds that are good for livestock business too, these include as Goose, Duck, Turkey, etc.

2. Put down your area of interest in a black and white about poultry production
You cannot just be in all aspect of poultry farming. You have to choose your area of interest where you would like to concentrate your business on. 

This will ensure high level of focus and professionalism in the aspect you choose. If you can do two areas, no problem you are good to go. Below are some of the major Niches in Poultry Farming globally.

Layers Breeding which is egg production by Layers, this is very lucrative one

Hatchery which has to do with breeding chicken for the purpose of hatching new chicks, here as well you can make a lot of money

Poultry feed which is producing feeds for other poultry farmers

3. Sort out a Location is one of the best things to do in poultry production
This has a direct effect to your startup cost. A location in a very remote rural area will cost far less than the one close to the urban area.

 Remote rural area with good road is the ideal location as you will be free from regulatory agencies and drive down the cost of labor too.

As a new person to Livestock business, you don’t want to invest all your capital into buying lands in urban area which may turn out not being used because Government policy is against setting up poultry farm near residential/urban areas for health implication.

4. Investment Capital on poultry production
With location in mind, you now have clearer idea of the capital required of you. Write down your detailed capital and investment requirements for your poultry farming and set out to source for it.

Like every other farming projects, the bigger you plan to start, the more investment required. You need to decide on the level of capital investment you are willing to commit into this business before starting.

Finally, if you follow what is in this article by now you will know that poultry production is easy and as well a lucrative business to invest on.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Poultry Litter Management

First and foremost, we need to know what is called poultry litter. If I may ask, every farmer must have his or her own definition. 

But in general, I will like us to take a good look at this definition: this is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and material used as bedding in poultry operations. 

This is simple and understandable enough, so we will duel more on poultry waste, management and how to use them. 

To my surprise, some farmers are engaging in some costly mistake by allowing their poultry birds to feed on their waste. 
poultry litter

There are many risk associated with this, therefore I employ all poultry keepers to make sure that feeds are not contaminated with poultry litters. 

This issue is mostly occur in a situation where poultry birds are allow to roam on the floor, or where their bedding materials on the floor. 

I am not saying litter are not good, as well I not saying we should not use them in the poultry, what I am saying in excesses in that, we should be careful about this in other not to put the lives of our poultry birds at risk.

Effect of poultry litter on poultry feed
Here we are to identify the effects of poultry waste on the feed giving to poultry animals; you might just say they are animals. 

Yes you are right, but not just animals, poultry animals. Subjecting your poultry birds to the litter, is a very risk thing in which no farmer should allow such to happen. You may ask me why?  

The reason behind this is that is going to cost you so many things at the end, the end result of allowing poultry birds to feed on poultry litter (mixed with the feed) is going to result in one sickness or the other. 

By now you will know that, the outbreak of any diseases in poultry will surely require some capital. 

No outbreak of diseases in poultry that you will not buy drugs to combat, you know this will be additional to your spending, therefore try to guide against it.

Meanwhile contaminated feed by poultry waste is also a means in which diseases move from one place to another in the poultry farm ie the carrier of disease causal agents. 

To my surprise, if the outbreaks of any of these diseases are not well treated, in some cases if not in most cases result to the death of infected poultry birds. 

As well this may result in low production of the entire poultry farming system if care is not taking.

For instance, says you are into commercial production of eggs, at initial stage you are getting about 80% production per day before their feed and the poultry bed are contaminated with poultry litter. 

Now that they are infected with contaminated feed your production now dropped to 40% and bellow. 

By now you now the level of shortage at which you are running your business, in other to avoid this prevent litter from their feed.

Poultry litter and how you will manage it
Now that you are familiars with the risk that is associated with poultry waste been contaminated the poultry feed. 

What we are going to be talking about is how to manage poultry waste? What are the steps to take in other to properly manage waste from the poultry farm? 

To me, and due to the knowledge I have on poultry business, poultry waste management should be a weekly routine. You as a poultry keeper, make sure you remove the waste from the poultry farm every week. 

Do not allow the litter to be accumulated, why? As will emphasize in the previous chapter, they are the carrier of disease causing organism. 

Accumulated poultry litter result to a certain gas, which is dangerous to the health of poultry birds in the farm, this gas is called ammonia gas.

Now that is your weekly activity to park poultry waste from the farm, the question now is where do I put them? 

Removing the litter from the farm totally is the best you can do, but if you have no place to put them you can and must remove the litter as well. 

What I am saying is that making sure you remove the litter as well, how do you go about this?

Contact the waste management agency in your locality for assistance; though this requires littler charges you will be pay on monthly basis.

Benefits of proper poultry litter management
Now that you are familiar with the effect of poultry litter on poultry feed as well as the poultry litter and how you will manage it. 

It is time to say little on the benefit you will derive from proper management of poultry waste. Here are the possible benefits from proper management of poultry waste.

It helps to increase production both in capital and product, this simply means that you will save more from the product in the farm.

It prevent the outbreak of diseases from the farm, as well you will not spend more on drugs there by improve your capital.

Poultry litter is also a source of poultry manure, if proper managed may serve as another source of income.

In addition, proper management of poultry litter prevent offensive odour in and around the poultry farm which make the environment a conducive place to be.

These are few out of many benefits all poultry keeper will get from proper management of poultry waste. 

If you have any contribution or you are bless with comment, please drop it in the box, thank for taking your time.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fowl cholera, causes, transmissions and control

There are many names assigned to this disease, either of these name are well recognized globally. The names include avian cholera, avian pasteurellosis and avian hemorrhagic septicemia.  

You might come across any of these in one way or the other, they are still refer to the FOWL CHOLERA. 
Fowl cholera is a very contagious disease that is caused by bacterium multocida, this agent affect various species of avian family such as chickens, turkeys, and water fowl, (increasing order of susceptibility). 

This disease affect poultry farm worldwide, it was one of the first infectious diseases to be recognized in 1880 by Louis Pasteur. 

Adult birds and old chickens are more susceptible. In parental flocks, cocks are far more susceptible than hens.  Domestic birds, including pets or birds at the zoo, and wild birds can be infected. 

Fowl cholera usually strikes birds older than six weeks of age. Besides chickens, the disease (fowl cholera) also concerns turkeys, ducks, geese, raptors, and canaries. 

Turkeys are particularly sensitive, with mortality ranging to 65%. Clinical findings vary greatly depending on the course of the disease. In acute cases, increased mortality is usually the first indication. 

Affected birds have swelling of the face or wattles, discharge from the nostrils, mouth and eyes which may become “cheesy”, labored breathing and, in some cases, lack of coordination. 

The face, combs and wattles may become cyanotic (turn a bluish color). Other symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, lameness, diarrhea and ruffled feathers. 

Now that you are familiar with what fowl cholera is all about, it time to dwell on the cause of this contagious disease.

Causes of fowl cholera
I am very sure, if you understand the introduction of this article, by now you clearly know the causes of this disease. 

In one language, it is caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. The amazing thing about this is that, the bacterium is easily destroyed by environmental factors and disinfectants, but may persist for prolonged periods in soil. 

Reservoirs of infection may be present in other species such as rodents, cats, and possibly pigs. 

Transmission mode of fowl cholera
The next line of action is how thus it moves within the poultry farm and animals? The route of infection is oral or nasal with transmission via nasal exudates, faeces, contaminated soil, equipment, and people. 
The incubation period is between 5 to 8 days, as you can see, it take the bacterium a very short period to start affecting the birds. 

Symptoms of fowl cholera
How would you identify the occurrence or outbreak of this disease in you farm, the common symptoms are:

In acute cases, a green diarrhea can be an early symptom. The most typical symptom, in chronic cases, is the swelling of the wattles. It is more frequent in resistant local breeds. 

Rather than a general infection, localized infections are more characteristic. These often occur in the respiratory tract including the sinuses and pneumatoics bones, hock joints, sternal bursa, foot pads, peritoneal cavity and oviducts. 

The most typical p.m. lesion is the petechiae observed in the epicardial fatty tissue. Necrotic foci on liver are usually found and general hyperemia is common. 

Due to the speed of infection and mortality, birds are in good body condition and do not exhibit the signs of prolonged illness.

Other symptoms of fowl cholera are high temperature, ocular and oral discharge, purple comb and wattle, possibly swollen wattle; ruffled feathers, loss of appetite, coughing; nasal, swollen joints, lameness, sudden death.
sudden death
Treatment of fowl cholera
No doubt about this, God has been good to mankind, no single problem He has not provide a solution to. I am assuring you that there is way to treat infected farm.

 So if you are noticing any symptom of this disease in your farm, here is what you can do to combat the issue.

Many drugs are available to treat fowl cholera, such as sulphonamides, streptomycin, tetracyclines, penicillin, erythromycin. The disease often recurs after medication is stopped, requiring long-term or periodic medication.

Improve sanitation, the bacterium is easily destroyed by environmental factors and disinfectants as I mentioned earlier, but may persist for prolonged periods in soil. Possible infection factors may be rodents, cats and possibly pigs.

Last but not the least way of preventing fowl cholera is through vaccination program.  Inactivated oil emulsion vaccine for chickens and turkeys to immunize against Pasteurella Multocida Infections (Fowl Cholera). 

Indication of the vaccine, K Vac FC3 has been developed for use in chickens and turkeys. A dose of bacterin contains a large amount of inactivated Pasteurella multocida. 

Two inoculations, given In the late growing period, produce high levels of immunity to protect the flock through the critical early period of production when fowl Cholera usually strikes.

Finally, as you read through this article you will not be afraid of fowl cholera again, I know this article has provide a best solution to the problem of fowl cholera. 

Fill free to drop your comment if you find it helpful to your farm, and as well share it with your colleague in this field.

Monday, October 31, 2016

How I Made 56,000 Naira When I Put My Chickens for Sale

This is going to be an amazing story on how I made a sum of N 50, 000 when I put my Chickens for Sale.  What happened was that, I needed to off load some of my pullet (laying pullets) as a result of overcrowding.  

Then, I informed few of my friends that I want to off load few of the pullets in my farm just for a reason know to me. At first, they thought I was joking but few days later they realize I was serious about.
You know what they ask? How are you going to do it? That is how, are you going to sale it at a convenient price. I just laughed at them, why? Because I knew I am going to sell it at a convenient price. 

Now do you want to know how I sell them after I put my Chickens for Sale. But before I continue, do not be discourage on anything you have in mind to do, no matter the circumstances around you, due to what I had at this period I was not discourage, rather I summon courage. Now the steps in details

Knowing the number of Chickens for Sale
The first step was identifying the number of chickens I want to offload from the farm, you know, you cannot just sell your pullet like that, in other not to run into shortage. 

You must, as a matter of compulsion identifying the number of Chickens for Sale, this will guide you on the price tag and Identify a good buyer. Selling large number will bring different buyers and you may find it hard in tagging price on them, why? 

They are to buy in large numbers, as well you need to subsidize for the price. Not only that, you may not be able to control you emotion when they enticed you with money, mainly when you are not planning to sell large number from the flock. 

Therefore it is very important to identify the number you want to sell before any other thing, I think this is clear, good.

Selection of Chickens for Sale
This is another important issue to discus, you must select what you want to off load from among the flock. It will be at your own risk and shortage by allowing your buyers to select from the flock, the pullets they want buy from you. 

The danger here is that, they will be selecting the best from among the flock which you will not be happy at. 

But if you had select what you want to sell, they will just come and select from the selected ones. This will give you power over them, I mean the buyers.

Putting price on Chickens for Sale
In addition to what we had been discussing so far, you are to determine the price of your chickens. No one can quantify your effort from the day you collected a day old pullets. 

It is you and only you can do that, but do it with wisdom. Here is where most sellers find it hard to sell their pullets or chickens when they wanted to sell them. 

Putting too high price will not bring good buyers at the right time and when tagging with low or too low price will not bring good customer. When the price is too low, they may be thinking otherwise. 

What I mean is that they might think the birds are not in good condition, so before placing price on your chickens, carry out market survey. 

Chickens for Sale requires a proper market survey, this will help and guide you on the price tags to you products.

Identifying customer for sales chickens
As other points mention above, every product need the right buyers or customers as the name implies.  Chickens for Sale demand right customers, different farmers with different opinion on chickens in the farm. 

Every farmer has their motives for setting up a poultry farm, do your best in locating the right customers for your pullets. This is the simple step I took in locating the right customer for few chickens I sold from my farm. 

Be a poultry farmer, I have some friends who are into the business (poultry farming), I inform them that I want to sell some of the birds in my farm. 

As well, I get in touch to my veterinary doctor that I want to sell some pullets as well and ask them for customers of which they did provide helps. After about three days, the right customer knocked my door, then we begins negotiation.

Negotiate price on Chickens for Sale
Now that the right customer is finally show up, it is time to do what I called price negotiation. Say for instance, you want t sell a laying pullet says for N 1500 only. 

What you should do is giving price which is a bit higher than the intended price, says N 2000 per pullet. So that you had giving you price, your customer or buyer will not pay just like that, they will surely negotiate with you so as to arrive at certain price. 

But mind you, the price will fall within the targeted price which is the purpose of negotiation.

Collection of money from Chickens for Sale
Don’t ever make the mistake of allow the buyers to go away with the pullets without paying you. This is very dangerous idea one should not follow, don’t just allow it to happen. 

My advice is collect money before they go with the chickens, if you allow them to take pullets away without paying. 

You may not be able to have your money again, some buyer may delay payment for long. From my own opinion, ask them to pay in advance and delivered their goods on due time.

Lastly on Chickens for Sale
Chickens for Sale is a very simple and lucrative business if you know what to do and developed the habit of how to do it. 

Following the simple strategies lay out in this article will help you in selling you pullets. Either laying one or at the point of lay, the steps are just too simple, what you need do is just follow the strictly and you will never regrets. 

If you have any thing in mind that we did not mention, fill free to drop it ant the comment box, thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to increase egg sizes and weight through fowl nutrition

It has always been saying, eggs production is the primary aim of raising layers in any poultry farm globally. Though, they are some advantages associated with raising layers which we are not going to write about now. 

This write up will focus on what can be done to increase the sizes of table eggs in any poultry farm. But before I will highlight these factors, I will like us to consider some facts which are common among farmer today. 

Every consumer will like to pay for large eggs rather than small or medium size eggs. Meanwhile, the fact remain that for hens to lay bigger eggs requires extra energy and resource in which farmer are not ready to pay.

sizes of eggs
Egg weight remains a quality factor in certain markets, worldwide, and especially where eggs are sold and bought fresh. Controlling egg weight can be a difficult exercise as several factors are implicated. 

In fact, a large egg is not always a "good" egg, because with increasing egg size, eggshell thickness is reduced as a hen will deposit only 2 grams of calcium per egg, no matter its size. Nevertheless, when egg weight needs to be increased, the following four steps can be taken. 

Now let put more light on the factors which will enhances the sizes and weight of production in the poultry, these factors are:

Body weight has influence on egg sizes and weight
fully grown layer
It is well known that heavier hens produce heavier eggs, assuming they receive enough nutrients to support their needs. Indeed, brown-egg layers tend to produce slightly larger eggs because they have a heavier mature body weight compared to smaller white-egg layers.

But, even within a certain hybrid, it is possible to slightly increase egg weight by increasing mature body weight. This is best achieved by ensuring pullets enter egg production with a large enough frame (and associated body weight) to support a gradual increase in body weight, that is mostly muscles and not just body fat.

Health condition of the birds has effect on eggs sizes and weight
For birds to lay big eggs they must be in good and healthy condition. Any infectious process could affect egg production through an effect on feed and water intake.

In addition, there is a re-partitioning of amino acids and proteins away from productive activities, such as egg production, towards the more immediate need for antibody production and other components of the immune response.

Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and EDS are known to cause drops in egg production and the formation of weak and defective eggshells because of direct damage to the oviduct.

Therefore to maintain high level of healthy conditions of poultry birds, it is advisable to: Give Lasota vaccine every 4-6 weeks during laying cycle. Regular monitoring of titre is very important.

Increase feed intake by birds affect egg sizes and weight
feed intake is increased
It is generally assumed that the feed intake of laying hens will vary with the energy content of the feed. In other words, higher energy rations result in lower feed intake. 

Feeds formulated with low energy ingredients will have negative effect on the size of eggs produced. As long as the hens continue to grow, after reaching mature body weight, a slight increase in feed intake will most likely result in heavier eggs without further increasing body weight. 

This implies that hens have the genetic potential to produce heavier eggs, and the extra feed is balanced to support egg production, in terms of feed quality (protein quality) instead of just lipid deposition (if it contains just excess energy).

Heat stress of the birds has effect on egg sizes and weight
During summer period the feed consumption goes down and thereby the calcium intake of the birds, leading to reduced egg size and shell quality. 

Take sufficient summer precautions to avoid heat stress. Addition of 2 to 3 kg of Sodium bicarbonate in feed will help in maintaining the shell quality.

Vaccination programs to enhance internal and external egg quality affect egg sizes and weight
It has been well documented that some infectious diseases can have an adverse effect on egg quantity and quality. 

Any infectious process affecting inflammatory response could affect egg production through an effect on feed and water intake. In addition, there is a re-partitioning of amino acids and proteins away from productive activities, such as egg production, towards the more immediate need for antibody production and other components of the immune response. 

Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis are known to cause drops in egg production and the formation of weak and defective eggshells because of direct damage to the oviduct. There are many successful approaches towards Newcastle and bronchitis vaccination. 

The strains of vaccine used and the routes of administration depend on the degree of risk for these diseases in an area.

Increase and balance protein intake affect egg sizes and weight
Extra feed will produce heavier eggs, and will increase body weight because most likely it will provide more energy than protein. 

To avoid this, it is possible to provide the extra protein directly by feed reformulation. To this end, egg weight responds to methionine levels during peak production, but not during the later period, when, it is egg numbers that responds to methionine supplementation. 

In conclusion, by critically observe the above points and following them will help to produced big eggs in the poultry. 

This will attract more market and more value to what you will get from the farm. There are numerous management we can follow to achieve big size and eggs with more weight, therefore controlling egg size requires the achievement of a balance between bodyweight control, egg production and egg size. 

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