Monday, October 31, 2016

How I Made 56,000 Naira When I Put My Chickens for Sale

This is going to be an amazing story on how I made a sum of N 50, 000 when I put my Chickens for Sale.  What happened was that, I needed to off load some of my pullet (laying pullets) as a result of overcrowding.  

Then, I informed few of my friends that I want to off load few of the pullets in my farm just for a reason know to me. At first, they thought I was joking but few days later they realize I was serious about.
You know what they ask? How are you going to do it? That is how, are you going to sale it at a convenient price. I just laughed at them, why? Because I knew I am going to sell it at a convenient price. 

Now do you want to know how I sell them after I put my Chickens for Sale. But before I continue, do not be discourage on anything you have in mind to do, no matter the circumstances around you, due to what I had at this period I was not discourage, rather I summon courage. Now the steps in details

Knowing the number of Chickens for Sale
The first step was identifying the number of chickens I want to offload from the farm, you know, you cannot just sell your pullet like that, in other not to run into shortage. 

You must, as a matter of compulsion identifying the number of Chickens for Sale, this will guide you on the price tag and Identify a good buyer. Selling large number will bring different buyers and you may find it hard in tagging price on them, why? 

They are to buy in large numbers, as well you need to subsidize for the price. Not only that, you may not be able to control you emotion when they enticed you with money, mainly when you are not planning to sell large number from the flock. 

Therefore it is very important to identify the number you want to sell before any other thing, I think this is clear, good.

Selection of Chickens for Sale
This is another important issue to discus, you must select what you want to off load from among the flock. It will be at your own risk and shortage by allowing your buyers to select from the flock, the pullets they want buy from you. 

The danger here is that, they will be selecting the best from among the flock which you will not be happy at. 

But if you had select what you want to sell, they will just come and select from the selected ones. This will give you power over them, I mean the buyers.

Putting price on Chickens for Sale
In addition to what we had been discussing so far, you are to determine the price of your chickens. No one can quantify your effort from the day you collected a day old pullets. 

It is you and only you can do that, but do it with wisdom. Here is where most sellers find it hard to sell their pullets or chickens when they wanted to sell them. 

Putting too high price will not bring good buyers at the right time and when tagging with low or too low price will not bring good customer. When the price is too low, they may be thinking otherwise. 

What I mean is that they might think the birds are not in good condition, so before placing price on your chickens, carry out market survey. 

Chickens for Sale requires a proper market survey, this will help and guide you on the price tags to you products.

Identifying customer for sales chickens
As other points mention above, every product need the right buyers or customers as the name implies.  Chickens for Sale demand right customers, different farmers with different opinion on chickens in the farm. 

Every farmer has their motives for setting up a poultry farm, do your best in locating the right customers for your pullets. This is the simple step I took in locating the right customer for few chickens I sold from my farm. 

Be a poultry farmer, I have some friends who are into the business (poultry farming), I inform them that I want to sell some of the birds in my farm. 

As well, I get in touch to my veterinary doctor that I want to sell some pullets as well and ask them for customers of which they did provide helps. After about three days, the right customer knocked my door, then we begins negotiation.

Negotiate price on Chickens for Sale
Now that the right customer is finally show up, it is time to do what I called price negotiation. Say for instance, you want t sell a laying pullet says for N 1500 only. 

What you should do is giving price which is a bit higher than the intended price, says N 2000 per pullet. So that you had giving you price, your customer or buyer will not pay just like that, they will surely negotiate with you so as to arrive at certain price. 

But mind you, the price will fall within the targeted price which is the purpose of negotiation.

Collection of money from Chickens for Sale
Don’t ever make the mistake of allow the buyers to go away with the pullets without paying you. This is very dangerous idea one should not follow, don’t just allow it to happen. 

My advice is collect money before they go with the chickens, if you allow them to take pullets away without paying. 

You may not be able to have your money again, some buyer may delay payment for long. From my own opinion, ask them to pay in advance and delivered their goods on due time.

Lastly on Chickens for Sale
Chickens for Sale is a very simple and lucrative business if you know what to do and developed the habit of how to do it. 

Following the simple strategies lay out in this article will help you in selling you pullets. Either laying one or at the point of lay, the steps are just too simple, what you need do is just follow the strictly and you will never regrets. 

If you have any thing in mind that we did not mention, fill free to drop it ant the comment box, thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to increase egg sizes and weight through fowl nutrition

It has always been saying, eggs production is the primary aim of raising layers in any poultry farm globally. Though, they are some advantages associated with raising layers which we are not going to write about now. 

This write up will focus on what can be done to increase the sizes of table eggs in any poultry farm. But before I will highlight these factors, I will like us to consider some facts which are common among farmer today. 

Every consumer will like to pay for large eggs rather than small or medium size eggs. Meanwhile, the fact remain that for hens to lay bigger eggs requires extra energy and resource in which farmer are not ready to pay.

sizes of eggs
Egg weight remains a quality factor in certain markets, worldwide, and especially where eggs are sold and bought fresh. Controlling egg weight can be a difficult exercise as several factors are implicated. 

In fact, a large egg is not always a "good" egg, because with increasing egg size, eggshell thickness is reduced as a hen will deposit only 2 grams of calcium per egg, no matter its size. Nevertheless, when egg weight needs to be increased, the following four steps can be taken. 

Now let put more light on the factors which will enhances the sizes and weight of production in the poultry, these factors are:

Body weight has influence on egg sizes and weight
fully grown layer
It is well known that heavier hens produce heavier eggs, assuming they receive enough nutrients to support their needs. Indeed, brown-egg layers tend to produce slightly larger eggs because they have a heavier mature body weight compared to smaller white-egg layers.

But, even within a certain hybrid, it is possible to slightly increase egg weight by increasing mature body weight. This is best achieved by ensuring pullets enter egg production with a large enough frame (and associated body weight) to support a gradual increase in body weight, that is mostly muscles and not just body fat.

Health condition of the birds has effect on eggs sizes and weight
For birds to lay big eggs they must be in good and healthy condition. Any infectious process could affect egg production through an effect on feed and water intake.

In addition, there is a re-partitioning of amino acids and proteins away from productive activities, such as egg production, towards the more immediate need for antibody production and other components of the immune response.

Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and EDS are known to cause drops in egg production and the formation of weak and defective eggshells because of direct damage to the oviduct.

Therefore to maintain high level of healthy conditions of poultry birds, it is advisable to: Give Lasota vaccine every 4-6 weeks during laying cycle. Regular monitoring of titre is very important.

Increase feed intake by birds affect egg sizes and weight
feed intake is increased
It is generally assumed that the feed intake of laying hens will vary with the energy content of the feed. In other words, higher energy rations result in lower feed intake. 

Feeds formulated with low energy ingredients will have negative effect on the size of eggs produced. As long as the hens continue to grow, after reaching mature body weight, a slight increase in feed intake will most likely result in heavier eggs without further increasing body weight. 

This implies that hens have the genetic potential to produce heavier eggs, and the extra feed is balanced to support egg production, in terms of feed quality (protein quality) instead of just lipid deposition (if it contains just excess energy).

Heat stress of the birds has effect on egg sizes and weight
During summer period the feed consumption goes down and thereby the calcium intake of the birds, leading to reduced egg size and shell quality. 

Take sufficient summer precautions to avoid heat stress. Addition of 2 to 3 kg of Sodium bicarbonate in feed will help in maintaining the shell quality.

Vaccination programs to enhance internal and external egg quality affect egg sizes and weight
It has been well documented that some infectious diseases can have an adverse effect on egg quantity and quality. 

Any infectious process affecting inflammatory response could affect egg production through an effect on feed and water intake. In addition, there is a re-partitioning of amino acids and proteins away from productive activities, such as egg production, towards the more immediate need for antibody production and other components of the immune response. 

Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis are known to cause drops in egg production and the formation of weak and defective eggshells because of direct damage to the oviduct. There are many successful approaches towards Newcastle and bronchitis vaccination. 

The strains of vaccine used and the routes of administration depend on the degree of risk for these diseases in an area.

Increase and balance protein intake affect egg sizes and weight
Extra feed will produce heavier eggs, and will increase body weight because most likely it will provide more energy than protein. 

To avoid this, it is possible to provide the extra protein directly by feed reformulation. To this end, egg weight responds to methionine levels during peak production, but not during the later period, when, it is egg numbers that responds to methionine supplementation. 

In conclusion, by critically observe the above points and following them will help to produced big eggs in the poultry. 

This will attract more market and more value to what you will get from the farm. There are numerous management we can follow to achieve big size and eggs with more weight, therefore controlling egg size requires the achievement of a balance between bodyweight control, egg production and egg size. 

If this article has helped you in one way or the other, do share with friends and let them benefits from it. On the other hand, if your opinions are not met, please just drop your comment.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Activities (Routines) that make fowls (poultry birds) productive in poultry farm

These are the activities which are carries out on daily, weekly and even on monthly basis. This is where some farmers or farm managers do miss thing together, just because they don’t know what to do?

Either on daily, weekly and even on monthly basis. But dear readers, don’t panic you are at the right place at this time.

In this article I will explain in details the activities I do carry out on y farm that make my bird thrives well, that is, what gives me maximum production from the farm.  These activities are called ROUTINE.
daily routine

By definition: Routine simply means ways of doing things in a regular manner or commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at specified intervals; typical on everyday activity.

Therefore these routine or activities will be grouped into three, they will be arranged according to way they are been carries out.

Daily activities or routine which enhance fowl productive
What do you think this will be? Well this are the activities you carry out in the farm on daily basis, no matter little or how small they are they must be carry out.

Failure in doing this may result to negative effect in the lives of animals in the farm. These routine include Water, feeding and eggs collection,

Water improves fowl productive
daily routine
we all know that water must be given to poultry birds every day. Mind you, not ordinary water but fresh water from reliable source. Clean water containers with a small hand brush before refilling them with fresh water is very good. 

Quality feeding enhances fowl productive
Feeding is another routine that are very important and must be carry out every day, do not over feed and as well under feed them.

If you do, you will run into shortage and this is not good for business farming system. Pelleted feeds can stay fresh for a week inside a hopper so that they are dispensed and  lib as the hens require food, however it will soon go moldy and cause disease if it is not kept dry.

Place food containers under cover or purchase a rain hat to keep the rain off.

Eggs collection improves fowl productive
daily routine
Collection of eggs is another activity we do carry out every day in the poultry, in some farm, eggs are main purpose of setting up such farm.

So it is very important to collect eggs every time since production of fowl is our target, some time up to three times a day. Collect eggs and keep an eye out for broody hens over the spring and summer months.

Observation affect fowl productive in the farm
This is the most important routine under this category, which I observed diligently. Spent quality time with the birds ever day so as to identify any condition from and among them.

In my own situation I spent between 30 minutes and one hour every day to observe them very well.

Mainly when you feed them, they must all rush toward food and do eat, so any one that do not run towards feed is sick, so isolate and give genuine treatment.

Weekly activities or Routine which leads to fowl productive
These are the activities carry out in the farm on weekly basis, as highlighted above that daily activities are essentials, as well weekly routine cannot be underrated.

Here are some of the weekly activities I do carry out in my farm:

Washing drinkers and feeders help fowl production a lot
weekly activity
 Remember, one of the rules in keeping poultry system is hygiene, hygiene play important role in poultry farm.

So, washing drinkers and feeders are important to keep poultry birds in good condition and healthy. Dirty drinkers and feeder housed agent of disease, they help in spreading diseases in the poultry so to avoid this they must be kept clean at all time.

Cleaning droppings improves fowl production
This is another thing to do every week, to some farmers this is a dirty work. Generally, this is done manually and must be remove every week irrespective of caging system you are using.

Accumulated dropping produces ammonia gas which may result to the springing up of any related diseases in the farm, therefore to avoid this they should be removing weekly.

Chicken houses affect production of fowl 
The house should be cleaned out at least weekly to prevent a buildup of organic matter, which puts your birds at more risk from respiratory problems and disease.

They are very common and the sooner you find them, the easier it is to get rid of them.

Monthly activities or Routine which affect fowl productive
This are the activities which are carry out once in a month, though they are to carry out one time in a full month, yet they are very important.

Medication affect fowl production
monthly routine
chicken chicks
I don’t fail to do this since I started poultry business, I make a routines and is working for me and my birds. What do I mean? Every month I do administer some drugs to my birds depending on the type of birds at hand at a particular time.

Be it cockerels, broilers and layers, I don’t joke with it and I will never joke with it. From first to third day of every month I do administer antibiotic, at time up to day five of the month depending on the direction of the drugs. Then between 12th and 14th day of every month I do administer multivitamins to complement their feed.

In the case of the layers in the farm, certain vaccine is administer once every month, this vaccine is called LASOTA, this is mainly to improve their immune system and to keep them in good condition and healthy.

Aside these, to every birds in my farm, I de-worm them once in every month. I lay my hands on any de-wormer from the veterinarians shop.

These are the collection of routines I do carry out in my poultry farm, either daily, weekly and even monthly basis, if you do the same you will enjoy and keep doing the same thing, thanks for reading.

Do you have any routine jobs I have missed from this list? Please leave me a comment below.

Friday, October 14, 2016

How to Feed Your Laying Hens for Best Egg Production

As a matter of fact, what you feed your animals determine what you will get from them. Mind you their living things, they need the best ingredients to prepare their feed.

They are some materials requires that make up their feed which meet up with the quality needed in the feed for maximum production. Now consider your layers as pregnant women, for her to put to bed safely they need balance diet.

So for layers to produces egg which are the main purpose of keeping them, they need quality feed that meet the requirement.

Though they are companies producing feeds for farmers to buy from, but due to the rising in prices of the ingredients, farmers are not making profit again.

But the question is this, should we (farmers) stop keeping layers? To me the answer is NO

layers and feed formulation
Once your chickens start laying eggs (around 20 weeks of age) they should be switched to a layer feed for laying hen best production. Layer feeds are formulated for chickens laying table eggs that are those used for human consumption.

Broiler feeds are formulated for those chickens producing hatching eggs “breeders”. The diets are basically the same, but the breeder diets typically have slightly more protein and are fortified with extra vitamins for proper embryo development.

Formulating for the observed feed intake is especially important at onset of lay. The daily feed intake is relatively low in the time between the onset of egg production and peak egg production about 20 to approximately 32 weeks of age.

Yet, it is important to provide the hen with adequate nutrition at this time to sustain increases in body weight and the high demands for egg production, remember that even though the whole flock's egg production is 50%, the hens that are laying eggs lay 1 egg per day (corresponding to 100% egg production for the individual hen).

This high demand for energy and nutrients should be met, but can be difficult because of the relatively low feed intake at this age.

Therefore, it is recommended to start feeding a fairly concentrated diet, formulated for a relatively low feed intake, and then change the diet to a less concentrated diet as the feed intake develops with age.

As I said earlier, the aim of layer diets is to optimize egg production in terms of egg numbers, egg size or egg weight, provide the nutrition required to safeguard health and maintain the desired body weight.

As with pullets, different breeders recommend different feeding strategies for their birds for their hen best production, including the number of different diets fed during the laying stage. Calcium is increased for egg shell formation.

Now that you are familiar with what we are discussing in this article, it was not so easy for me to arrive at this crucial and well developed formula for laying hens.

I will not have free mind if I do not share it with my readers. Do not joke with what you are about to read, is the formula I used that give me up to 85 % production at the peak laying period of my laying birds.

Though I am not forcing you, because their thousands of feed formulas for laying birds, what you are about to get is what I used in my farm for laying hen best production.

How Much to Feed intake lead to laying hen best production
layer feeding
How much food your laying hens need to consume daily depend greatly on their breed, how much forage they have available, and how warm they are.

In general, laying hens need between a quarters of a pound and a third of a pound of feed per day to keep them in good health. From my own point of few, over feeding or under feeding will affect hen best production, that is, the body weight, eggs sizes and period of first lay.

So it is very important to know well how to feed them in other not to over feed or under feed. From my calculation, 200 layers of 18 weeks and above will consume 25 kg of layer marsh on daily basis. Feeding them more than this is risky and bellows this is also dangerous.

Layers feed marsh ingredient that affect hen best production
What make up the feeds are as follow:
Maize, Soya, Groundnut cake (GNC), Rice Bran, Bone meal, Limestone, Layer premix, Lysine, Methionine and Palm kernel cake (PKC).

These are the ingredients I used, but this is not matter. What matter here is how to combine these to form are reasonable feed for the laying hen best production
For example, the following table provides information for 100 kg of layer feed or marsh

In kilogram (kg)
Groundnut cake (GNC)
Rice Bran
Bone meal
Layer Premix
Palm kernel cake (PKC)
100.5 kg

The above table is the summery of what I used in producing layer mash for laying hens in my farm.  In addition to this, there is need to add some vitamins to complement the feed, these vitamins are

Vitamin A
5,200 U.S.P units/lb
Vitamin D3
1,000 ICU (some may be supplied by sunlight)
1.37 mg
Pantothenic acid
4 mg
Choline chloride
450 mg
17 mg

Calcium supplement affect hen best production
Keep crushed oyster shell available free choice so that your hens may consume extra calcium if they are not getting enough from their feed.

If they have oyster shell, plenty of layer feed, and they are laying thin shelled eggs, or very few eggs, try adding more vitamin D3 to their diet. This vitamin is necessary for proper absorption of calcium.

Finally, before putting down my pen, dear readers this is exactly what I do in my farm that gives me the best result when I compared with what was my production from commercial feed suppliers.

Don’t doubt me, just follow exactly what you have been reading from this article. If you find it helpful, please drop your comment and invite friends to benefit from it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The uses of BITTER LEAVES in poultry farm as immunity booster and treating of bloody droppings

bitter leaves collection
God bless mankind with many things around them, but the question remains this that do we make use of these benefit? Depend on you, answer it yourself.  This article will be focusing on the important of bitter leaves and it uses in the poultry setup.
Bitter leaves have many names depending on the location, tribe and the environment. Before proceeding, I will like to give details of this wonderful plant to you my dear readers, this plant are called:
Botanical name: Vernonia amygdalin
English name: Bitter leave
Other names are:  Onugbu, Shiwaka, and Ewuro by Igbos, Hausas and Yoruba respectively.
Now that you are familiar with this leaves, you are getting closer to the main discussion.

Preparation of juice from bitter leaves

The nest line of action is how to get the juice from the leaves, this is very simple just follow what I will teach and you will get it done at once. Get or collect the leaves from the main plant, you may even buy from the markets. 
squeezed bitter leaves
The extraction process can be done using the old school method by rubbing the clean leaves in between your palms with the help of little water and squeezing out the juice from the leaves. You may also use blender for this process. Now that you are through with the extraction using either of these methods, let talk on how to use the extract.

How to use bitter leaves in poultry farm as immunity booster
bitter leaves juice
Add one glass cup full of bitter leaves extract to about five litters of water and allow your birds to drink if for about four to five days and repeat the process in a week interval for two to three weeks. This works for my birds, you may ask why? The components that make up the extract reveal that they are very good to boost the immune system. The components are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2

How to use bitter leaves in poultry farm for the treatment of red droppings
bitter leaves extract
4 liters of water
Red dropping is a common disease associated with birds raising on the floor, as we the poultry keeper knows that this is a big challenge that we need to overcome.  Seen red dropping is not encouraging in the farm at all, but you are at the right area, I mean you are at the right place for this wonderful information.  Now that you are with your bitter leaves extract, add a glass cup full of the extract and add it to two litter of water and allow your birds to drink. Repeat this for three days and repeat the process in a week interval, you will be glad with what you will get as your result. This is very amazing as it cure red droppings at ones.

Finally, if you follow what I shared in this article, you will find it helpful. This is not a joke at all, but gives it a trial and you will be happy at the end. Please drop your comment if is helpful to you, God bless you as you read through.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Layers space requirements and benefits

enough space for laying chickns
This is where some poultry keeper gets it wrong while some also get the information write. Space requirment is another major factor any poultry keeper must fully understand before stocking layers in the farm, as well all know that ventilation go a long way in the lives of chickens present in the farm at particular time.

If you stock too many layers together you may likely not getting reasonable result from the stock which is the reason of setting a standard spacing for them in the poultry.

Meanwhile, weather condition or period or seasons of the year contribute largely on the effect of over and under stock of laying birds in the poultry.

Before stocking layers in the farm, the following points should be considered

Climatic condition determine layer space requirement
This is the most important factor any one keeping chickens must consider before stocking and after stocking.

During the hot season of the year more water is been taken away from the body thereby increases their body temperature, and if this continue for long where there are too many layers cluster together.

It may result to death of some chicken in the farm which as well results to shortage. Whether the season is conducive or not, too many layers are not permitted to be in one place.

Breeds selection affect layer space requirement
Not all chicken breeds will live happily in a confined space, so choose carefully. Many of the light layer types, especially those of Mediterranean origin, tend to be flighty anyway and will become fretful if restricted.

Some of the heavy breeds are less active, but can easily become fat in a small run. You may decide on bantams if space is tight, and there are small versions of most of the large breeds, bear in mind that they will share many of the characteristics of their larger relatives.

Bantam varieties of full size breeds often lay as well if not better than their big cousins. Their eggs will be smaller, although not necessarily proportionately so.

Some chickens are better off kept in a covered run. Silkies, for example, as their strange fur-like feathers are not very weather-proof.

Chickens with heavily feathered feet and legs become bedraggled and miserable in muddy conditions. Very tiny bantams are vulnerable to a number of predators, and will be safer in a roofed run.

There are also the true bantams with no large equivalent, and many of these make lovely pets. They are not the best of layers and their eggs will be small, but bantam eggs are often rich in color and flavor.

Hybrid chickens have been bred for docility, and most types will live comfortably in a run – or you could adopt some ex-battery hens, who will find even a small run relatively spacious.

Ages of the birds determine space requirement
Another thing is the age of birds, at tender age more might be stock in a place or together due to their small sizes.

As they continue to grow, they increase in sizes and as well in body weight. For best result, as they keep growing keep separating them as well by doing this they reduces in number in where ever you stock them.

Cage sizes/ house
enough space for layers
As well cage sizes determine the number of layers to stock. You might not have capital to purchase the standard battery cage and you planning to go for local one in which they build on different dimension.

So depending on the maker, bigger cake will surely accommodate more layer while is otherwise for smaller cage.

Determining the size of hen house you need is kind of like a chicken and the egg quandary. You need to know how many laying hens you will be housing in order to build the coop, but you have to have a coop before you can bring home your hens.

The amount of space available for a hen house might dictate how many hens you'll end up with. Build your hen house first then figure out how many laying hens you can have.

Since 2 1/2 to 3 square feet is the amount of floor space each of your hens will need, divide the square footage of your coop by 3. The resulting number is the maximum number of laying hens you should have

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Prolapse in laying chickens, causes and controls

layer affected by prolapse
Prolapse in laying hens is one, among the common diseases affecting laying chicken in the poultry farm that give concern to the poultry farmers or so called poultry keepers. 

By definition, prolapse is a slipping forward or down of a part or organ of the body, this definition if according to oxford dictionary. Now that we talking about laying chicken the organ here is the eggs, so the improper position of eggs in laying chickens are term prolapse.

During the process of laying egg, the lower part of the chicken’s (layer(s)) reproductive track is temporarily turn inside out which lets the hen lay a very clean egg. Sometimes the tissue does not retract after the egg has been laid and this condition is referred to as a prolapse. 

Hope now that you clearly know what is mean by prolapse in laying chickens. This issue may occur as a result of :

Prolapse in laying hens in reproductive age of the flock of birds: 
Prolapse occurs likely at the peak of birds’ production and period of peak egg mass, as a result of large demand placed on the birds’ metabolism.

Overweight or underweight of birds may cause prolapse in laying hens:
Overweight birds are more susceptible to prolapse as a result of general larger eggs laying tendency and muscle weakness.Too much deposition of fat around reproductive organs exposes birds to prolapse.

Unbalanced feed rations leads to prolapse in laying chickens: 
Insufficient calcium in the diet will bring challenges with eggshell formation but can also lead to muscle tone.

Cloacal prolapse is also contributed to by uterine or cloacal infection that makes the area irritated and causes straining, resulting in expulsion of the cloaca. Therefore, it is standard to give these birds antibiotics in case of infection. 

If a prolapse in laying birds is exposed to the air for any length of time, infection is almost certain to develop, and with time the tissue dries out which causes further irritation and more straining end result bigger prolapse.

Prolapse in laying hens as a result of high light intensity: 
Under high light intensity conditions, birds are more likely to see and be attracted to the averted oviduct and thus pecking occurs and cause damage.

Double yolked eggs laying by laying hens may cause prolapse in laying hens: 

The excessive size of these eggs will stretch and possibly weaken cloacal muscles.

layer showing prolapse
Now that you are familiars with prolapse and some of the situation that warrant the occurrence of this issue in a poultry, it is time to throw light on what to do. 

Till date, no effective treatment of prolapse is available but the best thing to do is to use preventive measure. These preventive measures are:

 Only photostimulate your pullets when they have reached the right body weight and age. This will vary from breed to breed but is typically around 17 weeks of age.

 If the tissue looks healthy (prolapse in laying birds), that is important, if it looks dried and dying, things are probably too late. 

Mineral oil is not a good idea, either in this situation or in egg binding. It is part of the common misconception that egg binding, or straining equals constipation. There is no physical obstruction in either case, so mineral oil will only cause diarrhea at best. 

At worse, prolapse in laying hens can cause a GI tract upset that can make the bird even more unwell. I have always been amazed at the number of people who think oral oil will lubricate the reproductive tract.

It is possible that under the right conditions the prolapse can retract and heal on its own but for this to work your hen will need to be isolated, kept inactive and need regular attention.

Feed only balanced feed rations specifically formulated for pullets and then layers.

Consider a very low wattage red-colored bulb. If birds cannot differentiate the color of the everted shell gland from the background of colors, they won’t be susceptible to cause damage.

Conclusively, I think you are at peace as you read through this article, and I believed you find it helpful in case you come across any of this issue (prolapse in laying hens) in your farm. 

Do subscribe for E mail notification for upcoming articles that you may likely need in your farming project and as well drop your comment in the box bellow, thanks for reading.